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We Know How to Make Learning Fun And Engaging For Kids.
Oralism is the education of deaf students through oral language by using lip reading, speech, and mimicking the mouth shapes and breathing patterns of speech. Oralism came into popular use in the United States around the late 1860s. In 1867, the Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton, Massachusetts was the first school to start teaching in this manner. Oralism and its contrast, manualism, manifest differently in deaf education and are a source of controversy for involved communities.
Unique Features
An auditory-oral approach to education teaches deaf children to use their residual hearing in combination with speech reading and contextual cues to better comprehend and use spoken language. Sign language is not used in this approach. The benefits of auditory-oral education are great, but success in this approach requires hard work from the teachers, parents and the children.
The very training exercise is conducted on the concept of “Mother is the first and best teacher.”
Mothers are invariably required to attend the training along with the child. The practice of exchange of children between mothers during training time at the Institute is strictly followed.
Listening, speech reading, reading, are introduced simultaneously as early as possible, taking into consideration the age of the child.
Mothers are given proper guidance from the inception until completion of training, which will be in five stages. Check the curriculum here. The trainers in the Institute are invariably mothers of children with hearing impairment.
A sense of inclination and commitment by the outgoing mothers to give back the skills and experience that they have acquired from the Institute to the new mothers is encouraged.
Certificates are being issued to child and mother, separately at the completion of training. This facilitates easy admission to the mainstream school without any hindrance.
Required guidance is being given even after admission to the mainstream school, from time to time, on request. Regular counselling is also provided, and the alumni are always invited to attend the annual function to mingle with their peers.
Get In Touch
Location: 197/1, Sahukar Channaiah Road, Janatha Nagar, 2nd Stage, Bogadhi, Mysore, Karnataka, India - 570 009.
Email: contact@padcmysuru.in
School Hours: M-F: 10am - 4pm, Sat: 10am - 12.30pm.