A letter from Shruthi M S

August 20, 2020

“Every person’s life is a unique story.”

Here goes my story.

My parents found out that I was not responding to anything when anyone called me. That’s when they realised that I have some problem and they took me to the doctor. It was there that they found out that I had a hearing impairment. The doctor suggested to give me specialised training for the same.

We were sent to the Speech and Hearing Centre in Mysore(AIISH). I got speech therapy from there; however, it was not useful for me. During this time, my grandfather read a news article regarding PADC school in the newspaper, and he immediately sent the paper to us through a post. It was such a boon to get admitted into this school.

My life took a turn from there. It was my parents’ dedication and hard work under the guidance of the teachers in that school, which helped me to learn each and everything. It took four years of continuous hard work from my parents to make me learn a language.

Consequently, I got admitted to 1st standard in a regular school, because of their hard work!

Every year I started improving myself and started securing good marks in the school. I scored 91% in SSLC and 81% in PUC. Having secured good rank in CET, I got admitted to engineering in SJCE(E&C). I was denied from taking medical seat due to my hearing impairment. But I was not disheartened. Eventually, I graduated from SJCE (8.98 credit points) and got selected to Wipro in campus interview.

I started my career as a developer for Report View, Techincal analyst for UAM(User Access management)and Technical Analyst in OIG(Oracle Identity Governance) at Wipro. In 2017, I was promoted to Senior Techincal Analyst in 2017.

My seven years of journey at Wipro has been beautiful so far, with eight awards and several appreciation emails from clients.

My parents, husband, my sister, my friends and managers have supported me wholeheartedly during my ups and downs and have helped in overcoming it. I am what I am today, because of the dedication from my parents.

I am very much thankful to each and everyone who is part of my life.

Shruthi M S

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